Created by Scott Erickson, Warrior Training is a one-of-a-kind asana-based strength training system inspired by the principles of Hatha yoga.
Warrior Training: More Than Just Yoga
Rooted in the principles of Hatha yoga (posture, stillness, and breath), Warrior Training takes a unique approach to mind-body fitness. Influenced by the teachings of yoga masters like Paramahansa Yogananda (mental control), Bishnu Ghosh (muscle control), Bikram Choudhury (Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class), and Paul Grilley (yin yoga), it expands on traditional hatha by incorporating cutting-edge strength and muscle development techniques.
What to Expect:
Balance Strength and Flexibility: This program seamlessly integrates mindful tension in strengthening postures (yang) with mindful relaxation in flexibility postures (yin) for a challenging yet low-impact full-body workout.
Build Power and Control: Embodying the philosophy "where attention goes, energy flows," Warrior Training cultivates awareness and life-force control, directing your vital energy for optimal health and well-being.
Empower Your Practice: Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, Warrior Training will strengthen your yoga practice (or any fitness routine) by building power, stamina, endurance, flexibility, and balance.
Ready to unleash your inner warrior?